Online coding tool,like checksum,lrc check calculator.


    Online checksum verification, online calculation tool, 8-bit accumulation checksum tool, can be used for accumulation and checksum algorithm verification
    LRC check calculator, also known as longitudinal redundancy check calculator, is a common error code check tool in the communication field, which can be used for LRC algorithm check of Modbus protocol ASCII mode.
    Online XOR calculation tools and BCC check calculation tools are usually used in network transmission to verify the correctness of data to ensure the accuracy of data transmission.
    Online adler32 checksum algorithm verification tool can be used for adler32 daily coding algorithm verification, often used in ZooKeeper, ZIP encoding.
    The online UTF-8 encoding converter can convert text into UTF8 encoding, and also convert UTF encoded characters into English, letters, etc., which are not the unicode Chinese character code points converted by most tools.
    A tool for converting between Snake Case and Camel Case, suitable for programming functions and variables such as Java, C++, PHP, Python, JavaScript, and SQL.
    The IP address converter can convert IP address, IP hex, IP binary, and IP decimal online.
    Online http post interface request testing tool, similar to the online postman tool, can be used for simple http post API interface test verification.

Coding Tool

    A tool for converting between Snake Case and Camel Case, suitable for programming functions and variables such as Java, C++, PHP, Python, JavaScript, and SQL.
    Online http get interface request testing tool, similar to the online postman tool, can be used for simple http get API interface test verification.
    Online http post interface request testing tool, similar to the online postman tool, can be used for simple http post API interface test verification.
    The online code compare and text compare tools can compare the codes and texts entered on both sides online, clearly mark the differences, and also enter them online for comparison.
    JSON online editor, JSON Editor, can edit JSON strings and texts online, quickly verify JSON format errors, and locate JSON errors.
    Online HTML editor, rich text webpage editor, you can edit webpage content online and visually, and you can get it when you see it, without the need to write HTML code.
    Online SQL formatting, beautification, and compression tools can beautify and compress various SQL syntax formats such as standard SQL, MySQL, DB2, PL/SQL, Spark, Redshift, and N1QL.
    The online UTF-8 encoding converter can convert text into UTF8 encoding, and also convert UTF encoded characters into English, letters, etc., which are not the unicode Chinese character code points converted by most tools.
    The IP address converter can convert IP address, IP hex, IP binary, and IP decimal online.
    Online XOR calculation tools and BCC check calculation tools are usually used in network transmission to verify the correctness of data to ensure the accuracy of data transmission.
    Online adler32 checksum algorithm verification tool can be used for adler32 daily coding algorithm verification, often used in ZooKeeper, ZIP encoding.
    Online checksum verification, online calculation tool, 8-bit accumulation checksum tool, can be used for accumulation and checksum algorithm verification
    LRC check calculator, also known as longitudinal redundancy check calculator, is a common error code check tool in the communication field, which can be used for LRC algorithm check of Modbus protocol ASCII mode.